Studioforma Design prides itself on the diversity of its exceptional architectural projects, from new buildings to building renovation, preservation, and facade reconstruction. They are passionate about beautifully designed interiors, producing appealing customised designs for their clients. And in the Studioforma DesignLab, the company’s creative minds produce imaginative products with a combination of technological innovation and traditional craftsmanship. This includes ligh-ting, furniture, and various décor objects.
Since its inception, Studioforma Design has been responsible for shaping the designs of numerous luxury homes, retail brands and other projects with their customised solutions worldwide. Today, the company has an enviable portfolio of projects. For each project, the process begins with consultation and feasibility stu-dies, identifying and assessing potential risks and suggesting relevant solutions.
The professional team embraces a holistic approach, implementing their client’s vision with expert creativity and creating tailor-made spaces and designs focused on the client’s personal goals. Their multi-faceted background in product and graphic design, as well as fashion, enables them to deliver an outstanding and wide-ranging level of services. These experts work closely with every client throughout the design and implementation process, ensuring every project is completed punctually and cost-effectively. The company has been instrumental in design and architecture for many presti-gious luxury brands in the watch, jewellery and fashion industries. This year they have been particularly recognised for their work on the interior design at Giada Ilardo Luxury Piercing Boutique in Switzerland. This interior design is Leuzinger’s brainchild and is intended to reflect the class and warm-heartedness of founder Giada Ilardo and her team while enhancing the showcased products.
As one of the first piercing jewellery producers and studios positioned in the lu-xury market, the premises’ interior needs to match the salon’s prime location on a world-famous shopping street. It resembles a canvas covered in a landscape of mottled sand with a pink sky and free-floating mannequin heads and is set over three floors, each area fulfilling a different function. Clients are welcomed on the first floor, where the company’s luxury pieces are displayed in cases on raw travertine. This is where consultations take place between the company’s experts and their clients.
Find out more about Studioforma Design and its wide range of expertise by visiting
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